Exactly How Much Will It Cost Me To Keep My Basement Dry (2022)

If you’re interested in the basement waterproofing cost in 2022, you should know there are many things that will influence yours. In this article, we’ll cover what matters most, but little changes and other upgrades will also add up to the final cost. Without any further ado, let’s begin and see how much it’ll cost […]
The Quiet Fight Between: Your Foundation and Water

Most homeowners don’t know the fight between their foundation and water is happening until it will cost them a lot. Losses include but are not limited to: time, valuables, trust, & money. In this article, we’ll show you why water is the worst enemy for your foundation and basement, and what can you do to […]
4 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Sump Pump: Cast Iron vs Plastic

Although cast iron pumps tend to be more expensive than their plastic counterparts, both of these options have various benefits that might be useful in your particular situation. Let’s see how these sump pumps stack up against each other. Cast iron sump pump Plastic sump pump Durability: Cast Iron vs Plastic Sump Pumps Although cast […]
The Complex Diagnosis of a Foundation Repair Job: Making the Right Decision

Many of our customers ask us what does it take to see if they truly need a foundation repair. Well, the answer to this question is more difficult than a yes or no. In fact, to understand what are the actual problems with your foundation, we’ll need to conduct a thorough inspection of your basement […]
Deciding Between Interior Waterproofing and Exterior Waterproofing

Deciding between interior waterproofing and exterior waterproofing is not always easy. Many factors determine which type of water protection you need, such as the severity of your leaks, any visible mold or mildew growth, how much time it takes for water to leak into your home, and the quality of construction on your home. These […]
Four Signs You Need a Basement Waterproofer

It is important to know the signs of when it’s time to call in a basement waterproofer. Basement waterproofers are experts on repairing and fixing leaky basements, but you should be aware of the common signs that indicate your home needs their help. If you see any of these four signs, then contact your local […]
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Basement Waterproofing

According to Investopedia, “homeowners insurance is a form of property insurance that covers losses and damages to an individual’s residence, along with furnishings and other assets in the home”. This type of insurance also gives you liability coverage for accidents or on the entire property, including accidents on home improvement projects. But the real question […]
How To Prepare For An Exterior Drainage Project

Congratulations! You have taken the first step to water management around your foundation and yard. Let’s face it; water can be a nuisance for homeowners, whether it’s water that pools in your yard for a few days after a rainstorm, the yard stays muddy, unusable or those black pipes on your lawn to keep water […]
Basement Waterproofing Inspection

Where is the rainwater going? Is it going away from your home? Is the water going towards your home? Any drains clogged? Does the rainwater have a place to escape? How far the downspouts extend away from your home is very important. During a waterproofing inspection, we check the water that discharges from the downspout. […]